Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Miscellaneous Options

The Miscellaneous Options group together a number of settings that do not necessarily fit together in one group or category of settings.

Miscellaneous Options Reference Chart:

Term/Setting What it Sets/Changes
NewMail Sound Notification Plays a sound at the arrival of a new incoming e-mail
Use RegEx in... Use Regular Expressions for the Search and the FilterRule
Hide folder internal data Hides the internal data of the folder
Categorized Folders list On the folders page, list user folders by category. You define the category by naming the folder as category-foldername, separated by the string or character of your choice (default is "-", "/" is not allowed)
Dictionary for Spell Check The default dictionary to be used when checking the spelling of a message (This can be changed "On the Fly")
Trash mail reserved day(s) Number of days to retain e-mails in the "Trash" folder. After the number of specified days, the "Trash" folder will be emptied
Session Timeout Maximum allowed time to be logged into Open Webmail without action
Refresh Interval Number of minutes to wait between checking for new mail.
Newmail Window Notification Number of seconds for New Mail Notification Pop-up Window to remain on the screen.  Set to "0" to switch the newmail window off.


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