Barracuda Firewall
The basic things that you must know
- Barracuda Firewall detects an email coming from a spam or containing a virus, this message is blocked and it’s never delivered to its final recipient.
- If Barracuda Firewall detects an email that it’s highly probable to be spam, the message is not blocked but stored in a quarantined area. Also It will send you an email in order to inform you to have new messages in quarantine. Check your quarantine once in a while in order to delete junk email or recover some email message that the barracuda had qualified as spam incorrectly.
- If The Barracuda firewall detects an email with low chances to be spam, it will deliver the message but tagged in the subject with word [BULK].
- If The Barracuda firewall can’t detect a virus or spam in a message sent to you it will deliver it to your regular inbox.
- A Spam filter is never 100% accurate. Actually the barracuda firewall has more than 90% of accuracy, nevertheless it could happen that some few spam messages arrive to your computer or that some valid email was blocked as spam. Please check your quarantine frequently.